All my newly ordered seeds for this season have arrived. I am all set for the season. Indoors, I already started leeks, kale, eggplant and hot peppers, and will start more eggplant (Pingtung) today.

All my newly ordered seeds for this season have arrived. I am all set for the season. Indoors, I already started leeks, kale, eggplant and hot peppers, and will start more eggplant (Pingtung) today.
We have not had much snow this winter, but overnight there was a bit of a dusting. I love the long February morning shadows.
The leeks got company about a week ago, when I started my kale (ten plants). I only recently realized that I have a dwarf variety. I was wondering last year why the plants stayed so short and thought it was my soil. Turns out Blue Curled Scotch is a cold-hardy, “compact” variety that only grows up to a foot or foot-and-a-half tall. Today, I will be starting Hot Thai peppers and eggplant (Diamond), four seedlings each for now.